Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Beta
Apple Pre-release System software
This is the set containing the Prototype System Software and this includes : 1 - System Software that comes with MacPaint and MacWrite. 2 - SonyTest 7.0 3 - Mac 16D0 And There are some Readme Files that will guide you on how to use...
ARPLE July 1994 Partner Edition (contains Mac OS 7.5b4c5)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (or simply "AOCE") was Apple's initiative to develop a network environment for end user consumers, notably PowerTalk, PowerShare and Open Directory. It was a complex project which overwhelmed...
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3341910 old Mac files, totaling more than 675161.7GB!
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