Found 26 software entries in System beginning with: "A" from category: Extension


Aask (1987)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 15:01:35)

Aask is an INIT (System Extension) that interrupts the boot sequence, if you hold down the space bar, to allow you to disable/enable INITs that you select.

Audio CD Labeller

Audio CD Labeller (1998)
(Added on 2020-03-07 09:06:20)

The Audio CD Labeller Extension allows you to use more meaningful names for your audio CDs.  The MacOS generically labels audio CDs with the names "Audio CD 1" to "Audion CD N" where the digit increases once for every CD you...

Aaron+Plus 2.1

Aaron+Plus 2.1 (1998)
(Added on 2019-03-05 16:41:41)

From the extension resource using ResEdit: Aaron+Plus is an extension that changes visual aspects of your Mac.  It's kind of like an accessory to ~Aaron.  To use this file, place it in the Extensions folder and then restart your...

Alpha Trecker 2.0

Alpha Trecker 2.0 (1992)
(Added on 2018-03-24 14:08:09)

AlphaTrecker is an extension that plays Amiga MOD music files in the background while you work on your Mac.  It works OK, but the MOD files I tried were playing slower on some portions of the tune.  It does not seem related to the CPU...

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