Found 26 software entries in System beginning with: "A" from category: Extension

AutoMac III

AutoMac III (1988)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 14:54:05)

Automatic Macro Maker AutoMac III is a macro application (extension) for the Apple Macintosh. It enables you to "record" and "play back" your keystrokes, clicks, and mouse movements to make using other Macintosh applications...

Apple Wizards Spin Cursor

Apple Wizards Spin Cursor (1998)
(Modified on 2023-10-03 11:48:06)

During processor-intensive tasks, your Mac's normal arrow cursor changes to a small wristwatch with hands that spin around while you wait. Sometimes you see a beachball spinning on end. Ho hum. But now, with the Apple Wizards Spin Cursor, you...

A Train Init

A Train Init (1989)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 21:30:38)

Drop it in your System Folder and reboot. And when you do a big fireball express comes up and the whistle blows. Great for train buffs!


AutoFlush (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 15:52:28)

AutoFlush is a system extension which will help to prevent those unwanted corrupted resource files.  When your computer system crashes, is reset by the programmer's switch, or is turned off without shutting down, it is possible for one or...

AV Speedup

AV Speedup (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 15:51:31)

This extension provides a performance improvement on Quadra 840 and 660 AVs for any programs which use AddResource/ChangedResource a lot. (eg development environments especially). Gough, Matt; Stroud, Brian. (1993). AV Speedup v1.0. Electronic...

AV Digitizer Options

AV Digitizer Options (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 15:50:18)

The "AV Digitizer Options" extension is a "video panel component" for use with the Macintosh Quadra 840AV, Quadra 660AV and the Centris 660AV.   It provides access to several capabilities of the AV video hardware that are...

Apple Multimedia Tuner

Apple Multimedia Tuner (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 15:09:14)

The Apple Multimedia Tuner system extension includes a set of software enhancements that improve the performance and reliability of some software applications and multimedia titles that utilize Apple's QuickTime and Sound Manager software on...

Appearance Menu

Appearance Menu (2000)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 15:07:53)

This Extension will add a System-wide menu that will allow you to quickly and easily access the Appearance Control Panel and switch Themes from any program.


Aesthete (1989)
(Modified on 2023-08-16 15:06:28)

Aesthete is a simple INIT (extension) for System 6 and earlier that replaces the Finder icon used in MultiFinder with a more aesthetically pleasing variant.

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