Found 2521 software entries
Apple IIe Card 2.2.1
This is not a typical software emulator, but rather a software interface to a hardware card, the Apple //e emulator card for Macintosh II computers. If you have this card, which is essentially a complete Apple //e on a card, this program is gold. If...
Talking Moose and His Cartoon Carnival
Are you feeling kind of lonely lately? Need some company while you’re chained to that keyboard? Maybe you should consider a talking moose. The first Talking Moose began appearing on Macintosh screens in 1986 as a shareware desk accessory. It...
Mac OS 8.0 (Disc 1.1) (PowerBook 1400) (691-1782-A) (CD)
Sistema 6.0.7 (IIsi) (DS,HD) [it_IT]
Dischi di installazione del System 6 in lingua Italiana Disponibili: #1 - Dischetti di installazione del System 6.0.7 (rippati dai dischi originali del mio Macintosh IIsi, ma completamente compatibili con qualsiasi Macintosh/emulatore)
Mac OS 8.5 (691-0000-A,E) (CD) [es_ES]
Mac OS 8.5 se convierte en la primera versión del Mac OS en requerir un procesador PowerPC, incluyendo versiones nativas de QuickDraw y AppleScript, así como la utilidad de búsqueda Sherlok. El copiado de...
Mac OS 9 Icelandic (Staðfærsla)
Mac OS 9 Icelandic language support (Staðfærsla) for MacOS 9 - MacOS 9.2.2 Adds Icelandic keyboard layout and fonts to the System
Mac OS X 10.4.10 (Disc 1.2) (MacBook Pro) (AHT 3A124) (DVD-DL)
Power Mac G4 Software Restore Mac OS 9 & Mac OS X applications Mac OS v9.2.2 Disc v1.0 2002 (CD)
Radius SE Accelerator 2.1 ROMs
Apple TV 1st Generation firmware 1.1.0
iMac. Mac OS X Install Disc 1. Mac OS v10.4.4. AHT v3A100. Disc v1.1 (DVD)
System 7.1 (Disc 1.2) (Quadra 610, 650) (CD)
READ ME This Read Me file contains late-breaking information about your Macintosh and system software version 7.1. This Read Me document provides information that changed after the computer manuals...
Mac OS X 10.6.4 (Disc 1.0) (MacBook) (2Z691-6742-A) (DVD DL)
This is Mac OS X 10.6.4 install and applications disks for MacBook 2010.
System 7.5.1 (Performa 6290CD) (CD)
System 7.5.1 Restoration CD and Booklet for the Macintosh Performa 6290CD.
Connectix RAM Doubler 8
Time was when Connectix’s RAM Doubler seemed like an ingenious piece of software engineering that magically doubled, and later tripled, your Mac’s available memory. However, as the virtual memory built into the Mac OS gets better, and...
Nikon Coolpix 990 Firmware 1.1
Nikon Scan 4
Nikon Scan 4 , support software for the LS-9000 ED, LS-5000 ED or LS-50 ED scanner. And Firmware updater for the CoolScan 4000 ED
Mac OS 9.1 (Disc 1.2) (PowerBook G4) (691-3102-A) (CD)
Apple Internet Connection Kit 1.1.5
Apple Internet connection kit incluides all programs to get your macintosh connected to Internet. Also it includes System 7.5 Update 2.0
691-1559-A,,Power Macintosh 5400, 5500, and 6500 series. SSW v7.6.1. Disc v1.0 (CD)
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