Found 2521 software entries
VST SuperDisk Drive PowerBook G3 Lombard / Pismo
691-4769-A,,AppleCare Apple Service Diagnostic. v2.1.5. 2003-Dec. Supports all systems from 2003-Jan to 2003-Sep 2003 (CD)
Mac OS X 10.3.5 (691-5133-A,2Z) (CD)
System 7.1 (DS,DD)
System 7.1 install disk images for 800K disk drives.
iMac. Mac OS X Install Disc 1. Mac OS v10.4.4. AHT v3A100. Disc v1.1 (DVD)
Mac OS 9.1 (Disc 1.2) (PowerBook G4) (691-3102-A) (CD)
StickyClick provides the "sticky" menu action introduced in Mac OS 8 to users of System 7. Sticky Click is a hack that adds the best feature of a trackball to the mouse. With a trackball, the mouse buttons can be sticky, that is,...
691-1559-A,,Power Macintosh 5400, 5500, and 6500 series. SSW v7.6.1. Disc v1.0 (CD)
691-3177-A,,iMac. Install & Software Restore (4 CD set) Mac OS v9.2, v10.0.4. Disc v1.0 (CD) (iMac Summer 2001)
These disks will restore a Slot Loading iMac (Summer 2001)
A universal CD-ROM driver
Mac OS X 10.6.4 (Disc 2.0) (Mac Pro) (691-6744-A,2Z) (DVD DL)
Mac OS 8.0 (Disc 1.1) (PowerBook 1400) (691-1782-A) (CD)
Sistema 6.0.7 (IIsi) (DS,HD) [it_IT]
Dischi di installazione del System 6 in lingua Italiana Disponibili: #1 - Dischetti di installazione del System 6.0.7 (rippati dai dischi originali del mio Macintosh IIsi, ma completamente compatibili con qualsiasi Macintosh/emulatore)
Mac OS X 10.4.10 (Disc 1.2) (MacBook Pro) (AHT 3A124) (DVD-DL)
System 6.0.7 (DS,DD) [zh_Hans]
13-Inch MacBook Pro Mac OS X 10.6.3 Install Disc v1.0 (DVD DL)
QuickTake Software
System 6.0.8, 7.0.1, 7.1, 7.5.5 boot disk images for SCSI ZIP drives (hand-made)
Those are disk images that you can clone onto an Iomega 100MB ZIP disk and then use it to boot 1980's and early 1990's Macs (using a SCSI ZIP drive connected to the SCSI port on the back of the Mac). As usual, cloning can be...
Mac OS 8.5 (691-0000-A,E) (CD) [es_ES]
Mac OS 8.5 se convierte en la primera versión del Mac OS en requerir un procesador PowerPC, incluyendo versiones nativas de QuickDraw y AppleScript, así como la utilidad de búsqueda Sherlok. El copiado de...
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