Found 2515 software entries
Mac OS 9.2.2 Classic Multilingual DVD Installer for Panther and Tiger
KanjiTalk 1.0 was the Japanese version of the Mac OS starting from 1986 and was based on System 3.0. KanjiTalk 2.0 was based off System 4.1 in 1987. KanjiTalk 6.0 was the third main release of the Japanese Mac OS 6.0. KanjiTalk was...
System 7.x/8.x 2020 + date fix! The Date & Time control panel on System 7.1 and later is limited to a range of 1920 to 2019 by an operating system function called ToggleDate. I have created an extension that installs a patch that changes that...
Mac OS 7 & 8 RS (Russian)
Mac OS 9.2.2 (iMac) (CD) [de_DE]
691-6558-A,2Z,Mac OS X Snow Leopard. v10.6. Install (DVD DL)
Mac OS X 10.6 install disk image.
Mac OS PowerBook G3 Series Install/Restore CD
This PowerBook G3 Series CD image contains a copy of all the software that was originally installed on your hard disk. You can restore the complete set of software to the hard disk (or make a copy on another disk) using the Apple Software Restore...
Power Mac G5 Restore Disc Media
Original restore disc media that was provided in the box with a new Power Mac G5 computer. Power Mac G5 (Late 2004) - Mac OS X 10.3.5: 691-5202-A (Install Disc 1) - suitable for expanding and burning to DVD. 691-5088-A (Install Disc 2) -...
BeOS Preview Release 230105
This is the first BeOS Preview Release 230105 from 1997. Please note that it requires real compatible hardware to run.
Mac OS 8.0 + 8.1 ITALIAN
Mac OS 8.0 (cdr image, bootable) Mac OS 8.1 update (smi file) Tested on Powerbook 1400CS, real screenshots.
Mac OS 9.2.2 (Disc 1.0) (iMac) (CD) [fr_FR]
Classic Sounds
Classic Sounds will bring back the classic alert sound panel of Mac OS 9 to your new MacOS X! It contains all those classic sounds like Quack and Wild Eep. It also can install the classic sounds in your macosx alert soundbank. Not only that, but...
Rikintosh's Mac OS ClassiX
After a lot of frustration trying to run Mac OS 9 natively on my PowerBook, I decided that the most viable way to run my classic games would be through the classic environment of Mac OS X 10.4. But for everything to work satisfactorily, it would...
(Missing disc 2) 691-5317-A,2Z,iMac G5. Mac OS X Install Disc 1. Mac OS v10.4. AHT v2.5.1. Disc v1.0 (DVD DL)
Mac OS 9.x
See also: Mac OS 9 updaters
MacsBug 6.2.2 for 68000 family
MacsBugs 6.2.2 for 68000 family from 1991. Tool for debug and revese engineer software.
691-4714-A,2Z,iLife 04 v4.0. iTunes 4.2,iPhoto 4, iMovie 4,iDVD 4,GarageBand. Install Disc 2004 (DVD)
Mac OS 9.2.2 for pre-G3 Power Macintoshes
This Mac OS 9.2.2 System Folder is patched with Old World Support 1.0.1, allowing it to boot and run on pre-G3 Power Macs. 9.2.2 improves stability and improves Finder performance, leading to a "snappier" feeling system. It also enables...
Shuriken is the official follow-up project to Sorbet Leopard, as well as the direct successor to the AquaTrimcelerator / AquaSuite Mac OS X 10.4 utility packages, in addition to being the ultimate culmination in...
iMac 2006 Software Restore Medias (2Z691-5859-A,2Z691-5862-A)
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