Found 208 software entries in System from category: Control Panels & Extensions

Macintosh PC Exchange

Macintosh PC Exchange (1992)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 21:46:45)

PC Exchange is a control panel for the classic Mac OS that lets the operating system mount FAT file systems and mapped file extensions to the user-defined type and creator...

AccessPC 2.01

AccessPC 2.01 (1992)
(Modified on 2023-04-03 09:14:05)

AccessPC is a control panel that adds compatibility with DOS and Windows floppy disks.  It allowed System 7 users to automatically add a Mac type/creator to any type of file on a PC disk so that they can be opened with the appropriate Mac app...

AccessPC 3.0.x

AccessPC 3.0.x (1993)
(Modified on 2023-10-18 15:03:36)

AccessPC is disk compatibility software for reading and writing to DOS-formatted floppies and other media, that competed with DOS Mounter, as well as Apple's own PC Exchange.

RadiusWare 2.2.2

RadiusWare 2.2.2 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 21:23:29)

These appear to be a set of Radius INITs and CDEVs associated with the "RadiusWare 2.2.2" release. Soft PrecisionColor 2.01 RadiusWare 2.2.1 Radius Resolutions 1.6.1 Soft Pivot Driver 2.0.1

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