Found 208 software entries in System from category: Control Panels & Extensions

Incognito 1.2

Incognito 1.2 (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-18 10:45:12)

Incognito is a control panel and system extension that allows you to bypass that annoying, network–based serial number protection that seems to be the Hot New Thing in copy protection. The theory is simple: when you buy a product, you get a...


Kineticon (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 09:53:31)

What is Kineticon? Simply put, Kineticon is a system extension that replaces selected icons on your Macintosh desktop with icon animations. Included with Kineticon is "Kineticon Editor". Kineticon Editor allows you to create your own...

US International Keyboard Layout

US International Keyboard Layout (2008)
(Modified on 2023-05-15 12:24:15)

Many international users have keyboards with the U.S. layout, and are accustomed to typing accented characters with the key sequences of the Windows "U.S. - International" keyboard layout. They often don't wish to get used to the...


QuickFolder (1987)
(Modified on 2024-02-13 16:37:09)

QuickFolder is a small INIT that adds a New Folder button to the standard save dialog.  It is useful when you want to save a document in a new folder.  To install QuickFolder, place it in your system folder and restart your Mac.

WunderBar 1.0.2

WunderBar 1.0.2 (1994)
(Modified on 2023-08-23 12:55:20)

WunderBar places a handy toolbar in each Finder window with buttons for common Finder commands. Any utilities that modify Finder commands, like Find Pro III's improved Find capabilities or Get More Info's enhanced Get Info window, work...


Zoomin' (1992)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 20:52:29)

Zoomin’ INIT - This INIT will increase your Mac's speed by 600% in opening windows, closing programs, opening programs, opening documents. Amazing. You can't believe how much faster this INIT makes things. Works on ANY Macintosh,...

Very Safe Mail

Very Safe Mail (1997)
(Modified on 2023-08-17 21:51:43)

Very Safe Mail is a System extension that places an additional menu on your Macintosh menu bar. The menu commands can be used with almost all e-mail applications, including Claris Emailer, Eudora, and Netscape Navigator, to encrypt (or decrypt) both...

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