Found 208 software entries in System from category: Control Panels & Extensions


NameViewer (1990)
(Modified on 2023-08-09 21:30:08)

Shareware control panel to show extended attributes about the selected item in a standard open dialog box. The spelling of AaStar was changed to AStar in v. 2.7.1 and v. 3.2

Free RAM

Free RAM (1994)
(Modified on 2024-09-07 07:28:50)

This module displays the amount of free memory in the current application. When in the finder, it displays the total amount of available memory. Clicking on the module display will bring up a popup menu with a list of all mounted volumes and the...

7500/8500 Graphics Driver

7500/8500 Graphics Driver (1996)
(Modified on 2024-09-10 13:13:10)

7500/8500 based systems = Any Apple 7500/8500 based System. Hell I can't figure out marketing's product names so this is left as an exercise for the reader. (Hint: I bet the name is 7xxx or 8xxx and has video in or video in/out) The CLUT...

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