Found 783 software entries
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
Apple Cinema HD Display 30" Software 2Z691-5616-A V1.0 (German documentation)
Apple Cinema HD Display 30" Software with German documentation. My Dad had a 30" Cinema Display back in the day (I now have a 23") and sold it off, but he forgot to sell the disc with it. So I'm uploading it on the repo!!!
iPod (3th gen) and iPod Mini (1st gen) Driver CD 2Z691-5196-A (German)
Old iPod Driver Disc with: iTunes 4.6 Quicktime 6.3.1 (for 10.1), Quicktime 6.5.1 iPod 20040806 patch
Macs Fan Control
Macs Fan Control - control fans of any Mac & Boot Camp! Software solution to: Noise problems e.g. caused by iMac HDD replacement Overheating problems e.g. on Macbook Pro Change fan speed: Set any constant value to...
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