Found 784 software entries
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
Nikon Scan 4
Nikon Scan 4 , support software for the LS-9000 ED, LS-5000 ED or LS-50 ED scanner. And Firmware updater for the CoolScan 4000 ED
VST SuperDisk Drive PowerBook G3 Lombard / Pismo
Matrox RTMac
Matrox RTMac is a PCI card for G4 PowerMacs which performs video I/O and basic compositing for previewing edits, fades, transitions, etc. It's a pretty cheap way to set up an old PPC Mac for working with video. Read the compatibility notes! This...
691-4351-A,,AirPort Extreme. Software Installation. Disc v3.1 (CD)
Exactly the same as 691-4350-A
VST USB Floppy Disk Drive (USB-FDD) for iMac v1.10 Driver
VST USB Floppy Disk Drive (USB-FDD) installer.
Apple Display Software 2.1.1 (691-2997-A,2Z) (CD)
Iomega Zip Installer 5.5.1
Apple Older Software Downloads Archive
Apple's "Older Software" archive, previously freely accessible but no longer available from Apple's support pages. This archive offers all the system software required for vintage 68k and PPC machines, including full versions of...
Orange PC
All Macintosh ROMs (68K + PPC)
This is an archive containing all of the most popular Macintosh models ROM files for emulation purposes, ranging from the first 64K ROM from the Macintosh 128K to the 4 MB ROM files from the Bandai Pippin or PowerMac G3, listed below in ROM size,...
Macintosh System Enablers
System Enablers are system patches which purpose was to expand the System software so that it makes otherwise unsupported Macintosh models boot. System Enablers are only useful for Mac OS 7.6. Back in the 80's, every time a new...
All Apple Hardware Test (AHT) & Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) disks
Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) is Apple's bootable hardware testing console that lets you run extensive technical test routines on your Mac. Alternatively, Apple Hardware Test (AHT) is a simpler version of ASD that is already on most Mac...
MacinTalk is Apple's text-to-speech, or speech synthesizer, extension that allows Mac documents to "talk" their text using a range of computerized voices. MacinTalk (v1.0.2) was relased on April 15, 1985 and works on Mac OS 1.x to...
StyleWriter 1200
Contains 5 800k Disk Images - One installation program disk and four installer disks. The Manual mentions installer compatabilitry with System 7.1 and above. (6.0.7/6.0.8: Rumors have that the driver (chooser document) is compatible with...
Asanté EtherTalk 5.1.2
Asanté Ethernet Installer is the installer program for certain Asante network adapters such as the Asanté EN/SC and Mini EN/SC series of Ethernet to SCSI adapters. Mini EN/SC Macintosh Ethernet...
Formac drivers for NuBus and PCI graphic cards (ProVision, ProMedia, Promedia 3D Pro, Proformance 40, Proformance 80, 80 Proformance lite, Proformance II, Proformance III, III+)
Sonnet Crescendo/Encore Processor Upgrade Drivers
AltiVec Emulator
Blank Board Serializer
Blank Board Serializer (BBS) is an Apple tool to set the System Serial Number (SSN) on a BLANK Mac Logic Board. It is typically used by Apple and it's Service Partners. Blank means that the SSN has never been set (such as on a new Logic...
Drivers for SuperMac video cards (mostly NuBus)
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