Found 784 software entries
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
USB & FireWire Adapter Card Drivers
Mac OS support drivers for Macally USB 32bit PC card and clones. **For archives that do not include installers, place files in /System Folder/Extensions.**
Prodigy SE Utility and Driver Software Disk
Levco's Prodigy SE™ is an accelerator card for the Macintosh SE adding a 16MHz Motorola 68020 and an 68881 FPU. The Prodigy SE™ had its own 120ns RAM and a PDS Slot. One file is a raw dump from the AMD AM27256 EPROM...
Mac Drivers Museum Archive (1990-2003)
Mac Driver Museum was a website ( hosting more than 200 drivers for 1990's Macintosh components such as: accelerator cards, network adapters, tape and various types of disk drives, FM tuners, input devices such as joysticks...
HP DeskJet 970C Series CD
Apple Displays Software
691-1684-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.5.4 (1997) 691-2293-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.7.1 (1998) 691-2345-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8 (1999) 691-2418-A,,Apple Displays Software v1.8.1 (1999)
Apple Display Software 2.1.1 (691-2997-A,2Z) (CD)
Apple Internet Connection Kit 1.1.5
Apple Internet connection kit incluides all programs to get your macintosh connected to Internet. Also it includes System 7.5 Update 2.0
Radius Rocket Software
SuperVideo for SuperMac Graphics Cards
Driver software for SuperMac video cards.
Apple IIe Card Software 2.21
Software and drivers to support the PDS-based "Apple IIe Card."
Iomega Zip Installer 5.5.1
Matrox RTMac
Matrox RTMac is a PCI card for G4 PowerMacs which performs video I/O and basic compositing for previewing edits, fades, transitions, etc. It's a pretty cheap way to set up an old PPC Mac for working with video. Read the compatibility notes! This...
Microsoft IntelliPoint Mouse Drivers
Microsoft IntelliPoint Mouse drivers for Mac and Windows.
Nikon Coolpix 990 Firmware 1.1
ATI Radeon 9200 Driver (CD)
Adaptec SCSI Card 2906
This is a disk image created from the original CD that came with the PCI card. Software on this disc: Adaptec SCSI Card 2906 Driver v1.2 SCSIProbe 5.1.2 PowerDomain Control 5.1 This PCI-to-FAST SCSI adapter supports both the PC...
DiskPrint 1.0
VST SuperDisk Drive PowerBook G3 Lombard / Pismo
Nikon Scan 4
Nikon Scan 4 , support software for the LS-9000 ED, LS-5000 ED or LS-50 ED scanner. And Firmware updater for the CoolScan 4000 ED
A universal CD-ROM driver
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