Found 62 software entries
from category: Diagnostics & Servicing
Apple TechStep Software
In 1991, Apple released a hand-held diagnostic tool for Macintosh computers and SCSI hard drives called the TechStep. It was sold exclusively to Apple resellers and service centers for $1,000. The primary SIT software archive contains Disk Copy...
All Apple Hardware Test (AHT) & Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) disks
Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) is Apple's bootable hardware testing console that lets you run extensive technical test routines on your Mac. Alternatively, Apple Hardware Test (AHT) is a simpler version of ASD that is already on most Mac...
691-6203-A,0Z,AppleCare. Protection Plan. TechTool Deluxe from Micromat (2008)
MacTest Pro (Quadra)
AppleCare CD - TechTool - Compilations
AppleCare Diagnostics CD Collection 691-3056-A - TechTool v. 2.5.6 - Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, NL, ES, SE, JP - Was shipped with Powermac G4 and iBook along with OS X 10.1 and Mac OS 9.2 AppleCare (TechTool)...
MacTest II
MacCheck is a simple system checker and profiler. It tests for hardware and software problems on your Mac. When you launch the app, all tests are automatically performing and the results appear at the end of the analysis with suggestions...
[Misc Supermac / E-Machines Control Panels and Software]
I used to own an S900 so these are probably for that. Found on an old 800K (!) floppy. Software 3.5.5 E-Machines Control Panel Diagnostics DuoDock INIT Network Diagnostic Network Snooper
TechTool Pro 3.0.9
CD slightly scratched, no problems compressing. The manual is here:
Apple Hardware Test SW for iMac v1.1 / 691-2924-A
691-6511-A,0Z,AppleCare Protection Plan 2009 (CD)
691-3515-A,,Apple Hardware Test v1.2. iMac (CD)
691-4553-A,F,Apple Hardwate Test (AHT). iBook G4
iBook AHT v2.5 (raw app)
691-4931-A,,Apple Hardware Test v2.2. eMac (CD)
691-4777-A,,Apple Hardware Test v2.0.2. iBook G4 2003 (CD)
691-4391-A,,Apple Hardware Test v1.2.7. Power Mac G4 2002 (CD)
691-4388-A,,Apple Hardware Test v2.0.1. Power Mac G4 (CD)
691-3675-A,,Apple Hardware Test v1.0. Xserve (CD)
691-3488-A,,Apple Hardware Test v1.2.1. PowerBook G4 2002 (CD)
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