Found 281 software entries
from category: Utilities
FWB DriveTest
DVD-RAM TuneUp 2.x
DVD-RAM TuneUp™ The speed you want from your DVD-RAM drive! DVD-RAM TuneUp supports the Hitachi, Panasonic, and Toshibabranded SCSI DVD-RAM drives. Contact Software Architects onfuture upgrades supporting ATAPI interface DVD-RAM...
FWB CD-ROM Toolkit 2.x
CD-ROM ToolKit is a high-performance CD-ROM driver for early Macs.
RAMDisk+ 2.x
RAM Disk 1.1
Another of those RAM disk utility for early 68K Mac OS versions.
Daylight Savings Editor
Daylight Savings Editor is a Daylight Savings Editor for Mac OS 8.5 to 9.2.2. It edits the 'loc#' resource in the System file which contains all the time zone parameters for various cities around the world. You will need to restart your...
This tiny (6KB!!) utility app lets you set a shut down time (no date tough) and it will sit on your desktop until the time comes, then will immediately shut down your Mac. Note: it uses a timer to decrease the amount of time left, so if your...
TechTool Pro 3.0.9
CD slightly scratched, no problems compressing. The manual is here:
NPmanage for Macintosh v2.3
Network Printer Management for Macintosh for DEC printers
Apple Internet Router Patch from v3.0 to v3.0.1
Patches v3.0 to v3.0.1 of the software which generates zones on appletalk networks
Modem Cable Tester (RTS/CTS Cable Tester v1.0)
Tests a modem cable for hardware handshaking (ie it works properly) and requires a Hayes V series modem
Dayna EtherPrint Administrator v3.2.1
Ethernet/LocalTalk bridge
StarMax CD
CD that shipped with Motorola StarMax PowerPC clones in 1997. Contains Mac OS 7.6 and 7.6.1 update with utilities
NetChronometer will synchronize the date and time of your Macintosh with a highly accurate network time server over the internet. You can even set up NetChronometer to synchronize with the time server periodically, for unattended operation.
This INIT allows access to the entire file system of an AppleTalk server IF the server has a guest login.
RAM disks are created by a program that tricks your Mac into thinking that part of its RAM is a disk volume, which shows up on your desktop just like any other disk. A RAM disk, however, operates at silicon speeds, much faster than any hard drive or...
MacCheck is a simple system checker and profiler. It tests for hardware and software problems on your Mac. When you launch the app, all tests are automatically performing and the results appear at the end of the analysis with suggestions...
Multi-Resolutions 2.1
Multi-resolutions is a shareware Control Panel that allows to select and change the resolution of most PowerMacintosh video card. The important thing about Multi-Resolutions is that it doesn't care about the "sense lines" or the ADB...
MacOS ThaiEnable 2.0
MacOS Thai Enable 2.0 is a tool that will let you type words in thai on most text related applications.
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