Found 97 software entries
from category: Patch/Update
Mac OS 8.5 and update 8.6 ITALIAN
Non bootable disk containing the installation files of Mac OS 8.5.1 in ITALIAN and its update to Mac OS 8.6, still Italian. The third file, "Mac OS 8.5 IT.iso", is a Toast Titanium bootable Mac OS 8.5 in English containing the ITALIAN...
Open Transport 1.3.1 Universal Installer
I downloaded this network installer version of Open Transport 1.3.1 from a forum post and carefully converted it to a HFS formatted iso so that it easily works on emulators and emulated CD drives.
Mac OS 7.5.4 beta 4 (Son of Buster)
Mac OS X Panther 10.3.2 (Update Beta build 7D15)
Macintosh System Software 7.1.1b1 (Stretchy)
Mac OS 9 Updaters (Norwegian)
Mac OS 9 Updaters (Norwegian)
Mac OS 9 Updates [fr_FR]
Mises à jour pour Mac OS 9 Français / Mac OS 9 Updaters (French) The 9.0.4 updater only works on 9.0 to 9.0.3 The 9.1 updater only works on 9.0.4 The 9.2.1 updater only works on 9.1 or 9.2 The 9.2.2 updater only works on...
Patcher Tools
Patcher tools for "unsupported Macs" that allows you to install the system above 10.10 Yosemite.
Mac OS v7.1 System Update 3.0 Disc 1 & 2 (FD 3.5 1.44MB)
MacOS 8.6 Update (self-mounting image)
This will update MacOS 8.5 or MacOS 8.5.1 to MacOS 8.6. Please be aware that this only *updates* MacOS 8.5/8.5.1 to 8.6. It is not a complete OS. You must already have 8.5/8.5.1 installed before running this 8.6 updater. This installer...
040 VM Update
The 040 VM Update 1.0 eliminates the tendency of certain 68040 Macs (Quadra/LC/Performa 630 series and LC/Performa 570 series machines) to hang when the 68040 processor caches and virtual memory are both active.
If you would like to use Virtual Memory with removable hard disks, you will need to modify your 7.0 Memory CDEV with this tool. By doing this, you could have potential problems. Therefore, you will be doing so at your own risk! One Note: Do not...
Mac OS 7.6.1 RAM Disk Fix
The text below is from the read me built into the splash screen. What does this patch do? This patch alters the System File (one of the essential pieces of software your computer uses to operate) of Mac OS 7.6.1, so that it will not crash at...
Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger Combo Update (Intel)
xRussify Mac
Apple Software Upgrades CD-ROM (July 1997)
Contents: 32-Bit System Enabler Disk 54xx/64xx L2 Cache Reset 5500/6500 L2 Cache Disable 5xxx/6xxx Test Utilities 6360/64xx/54xx Update 7.1 Enablers/Disk Tools 7.5.5 SCSI Server Update 7.6.1 StreamingAudio Update A4 Paper Defaults Acrobat...
PowerMac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8
The Power Mac G4 Firmware Update 4.2.8 will run only on Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4 models with AGP graphics running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local hard disk. If you are using Mac OS X on your Power Mac G4 or Macintosh Server G4, you must...
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Updates
Apple Internet Router Patch from v3.0 to v3.0.1
Patches v3.0 to v3.0.1 of the software which generates zones on appletalk networks
iMac G3 Firmware Update 4.1.9
The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac G3 computers with slot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or 9.2 from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or 9.2 writeable partition (not a CD,...
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