Found 97 software entries in System from category: Patch/Update

PowerPC Interrupt Extension

PowerPC Interrupt Extension (1996)
(Modified on 2023-05-17 12:16:56)

This extension fixed a bug in System 7.5.5 Update that only affected PowerPC Macs.  It will help prevent a Power Macintosh running that very specific Mac OS release from freezing. Apple wrote: The PowerPC Interrupt Extension applies a...


CdY2KPatch (1999)
(Modified on 2017-11-08 17:32:36)

There is only one bug in Cyberdog that has been found to cause problems beyond beginning of the year 2000. It deals only with the "Date" field in E-mail messages and Newsgroup posts. This bug does not affect the reading or...

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Firmware Update (2001)
(Added on 2020-11-23 14:06:17)

iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update The iMac/Cube DVD-ROM Update places new firmware on the Apple DVD-ROM drive installed in iMac DV+, iMac DV Special Edition, and Power Mac G4 Cube computers. This update improves the audio extraction performance of your...

2004 A.D System Extension

2004 A.D System Extension (2020)
(Modified on 2020-09-15 17:40:48)

2004 A.D is a system extension for System 6 macs that changes the epoc from 1904 to 2004.   This allows setting the date beyond 2019. Incluedes a patched General control panel for system 6 that allows one to set the date up until...

Optima 32 v2.0

Optima 32 v2.0 (1990)
(Modified on 2018-03-17 23:09:19)

Optima/32 v2.0 (Requires 68020/PMMU or 68030) Allows access to 32 MB of application RAM memory. OPTIMA 2.0.0 can run on any Mac II class machine, regardless if it was manufactured with "32-bit clean" ROMs. OPTIMA normally requires...

B&W G3 Updates for Mac OS 8.6

B&W G3 Updates for Mac OS 8.6 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-04-03 08:43:06)

Couple Apple system updates for the B&W G3 Mac to enable it to run Mac OS 8.6, files included are: 2940U2B Firmware 1.2.smi Apple-GV 56K Updaters.smi ATI Video SW Update 1.0.smi FireWire 2.1.smi G3 CD Update 2.0.smi G3 Firmware...

Apple Ethernet Update 1.0 & 2.0

Apple Ethernet Update 1.0 & 2.0 (2000)
(Added on 2020-04-05 14:41:47)

Ethernet Update 1.0 improves the reliability of ethernet in certain rare network configurations.  These configurations are typically 10Mbit networks which include coax (10Base5 or 10Base2) network segments in large single collision domains (...

GeForce2 MX Update 1.0.1

GeForce2 MX Update 1.0.1 (2001)
(Modified on 2020-03-15 06:08:44)

The GeForce2 MX Driver Update installs new graphics card firmware and Mac OS 9 system extensions which improve performance and applications compatibility.  The new firmware also fixes a compatibility problem between the older firmware and newer...

GeForce Graphics Update 1.1

GeForce Graphics Update 1.1 (2001)
(Modified on 2020-03-15 06:08:48)

The GeForce Graphics Card Update installs new graphics card firmware and Mac OS 9 system extensions to improve performance and compatibility.  The new firmware also fixes a compatibility problem with newer versions of the NVIDIA system...

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