Found 987 software entries
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
BootX (Linux)
Allows Old-world computers to boot into Linux using Mac OS.
Mac OS 9.2.2 - Mac OS X 10.1.2 (G4) (691-3345-A) (CD)
Macintosh System Software 1.0 (REDUMP)
This is the original Macintosh System Software from release day. I ripped this from my father 128K and fixed his custom Chicago12 font file in ResEdit. I have tested it in his 128K and all works fine! Have fun tinkering around with it!
691-4558-A,,PowerBook G4 12-inch. Software Install & Restore. Mac OS v10.2.7. AHT v2.0.5. Disc v1.0 2003 (DVD)
Mac OS 8.5 (691-2143-A) (CD)
Mac OS X 10.2.3 (Disc 1.1) (iMac) (691-4318-A) (DVD)
Daystar GenesisMP Restore CD incl. Performance Demos and Tools
Restore CD-ROM of my Daystar GenesisMP 932. Contains: (Bootable) System 7.5 incl Install Daystar GenesisMP Extensions Demo with MultiProcessing Product Information
CDRM1098120,Install Me First {Macintosh Quadra 660AV,840AV} (CD)
Mac OS X 10.6.4 (Disc 2.0) (Mac Pro) (691-6744-A,2Z) (DVD DL)
Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 (691-6037-A,2Z) (DVD DL)
Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" introduced a new visual interface, features, and more. One notable feature is removed, being the Power PC "Classic" mode for emulating Mac OS 9 compatible software. The same DVD was rebranded as a...
eMac Software Install & Restore (2 DVD set) Mac OS v10.3.5 AHT v2.2 Disc v1.0 2004 (DVD)
System 7.5.5 Update International
HD-Install System / MacOS 7.5.5 for all Languages
Mac OS X 10.6.4 (Disc 1.0) (MacBook) (2Z691-6742-A) (DVD DL)
This is Mac OS X 10.6.4 install and applications disks for MacBook 2010.
iBook G3 Mac OS 9.2.2 System
This is a complete Mac OS 9.2.2 system folder, applications folder, kaleidoscope and has a lot of software preinstalled such as toast, quicktime, stuffit expander, clasilla 9.3.3 and many more. This should boot on any* HFS extended formatted hard...
Mac OS 9.0 (iMac) (CD) [zh_Hans]
Mac OS 9.1 (Russian)
This is basically a Russian ISO of Mac OS 9.1, so if you are going to emulate this, use QEMU! SheepShaver will not work!
691-1924-A,,Apple Macintosh CD. Power Macintosh G3. SSW v8.1. Disc v4-1.0 (CD)
691-4676-A,,PowerBook G4 15-Inch and 17-Inch. Software Install & Restore. Mac OS X v10.2.7. AHT v2.0.4. Disc v1.0 2003 (DVD)
These are the original restore discs that would have shipped with the 15 inch and 17 inch models of the PowerBook G4 from 2003. You can restore your 15 inch or 17 inch 2003 PowerBook G4s with these discs.
OS 9 Helper
What does OS 9 Helper do? OS 9 Helper allows you to install 9.2.1 or 9.2.2 on certain "Old World" Macs that Apple has decided to drop support for. OS 9.1 is the final version that Apple allows to install on anything previous to...
CFM-68K 4.0
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