Found 987 software entries
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
KanjiTalk 1.0 was the Japanese version of the Mac OS starting from 1986 and was based on System 3.0. KanjiTalk 2.0 was based off System 4.1 in 1987. KanjiTalk 6.0 was the third main release of the Japanese Mac OS 6.0. KanjiTalk was...
Mac OS X v10.4.2 Tiger / Install Disc 1 / Bad Machine or Unsupported G3 MOD
Ever wanted to install Mac OS X Tiger on an older PPC machine (that you've no doubt upgraded with a new HDD and RAM, possibly even a CPU swap!) but Tiger says that your machine is "unsupported" when you go to install it? Or you're...
Mac OS 9.2.2 (iMac) (CD) [de_DE]
Mac OS PowerBook G3 Series Install/Restore CD
This PowerBook G3 Series CD image contains a copy of all the software that was originally installed on your hard disk. You can restore the complete set of software to the hard disk (or make a copy on another disk) using the Apple Software Restore...
691-4714-A,2Z,iLife 04 v4.0. iTunes 4.2,iPhoto 4, iMovie 4,iDVD 4,GarageBand. Install Disc 2004 (DVD)
iMac 2006 Software Restore Medias (2Z691-5859-A,2Z691-5862-A)
Mac OS X 10.1.2 (Disc 1.0) (G4) (691-3344-A,2Z) (CD)
This is the Mac OS X 10.1.2 install disc for the Power Macintosh G4 (Quicksilver 2002) series of computers.
Mac OS 7.6 (DS,HD)
Mac OS 7.6 install on 19 floppy (1.4MB) disks, plus a boot disk to start the installation and an utilities disk, all in DSK format, bundled on a Toast disk image to preserve DiskCopy enabling resource forks, but they can be extracted and used...
OpenDarwin was a community-led operating system based on the Darwin system. It was founded in April 2002 by Apple Inc. and Internet Systems Consortium. Its goal was to increase collaboration between Apple developers and the free...
Mac OS 8.0 + 8.1 ITALIAN
Mac OS 8.0 (cdr image, bootable) Mac OS 8.1 update (smi file) Tested on Powerbook 1400CS, real screenshots.
Mac OS X 10.4.4 (iBook G4) (691-5728-A,2Z) (DVD DL)
This is the iBook G4 Mac OS X 10.4.4 install disks for any iBook G4 model, but particularly this is what was shipped with the last iBook G4 model from early 2006. Any iBook G4 can install using this as the first one in late 2003 came with Mac...
Rikintosh's Mac OS ClassiX
After a lot of frustration trying to run Mac OS 9 natively on my PowerBook, I decided that the most viable way to run my classic games would be through the classic environment of Mac OS X 10.4. But for everything to work satisfactorily, it would...
691-5214-A,2Z,PowerBook G4 12-inch. Mac OS X 10.3.7 Install & AHT v2.5. Disc v1.0 2005 (DVD)
OPENSTEP is the succesor of NeXTSTEP and predecesor of Mac OS X. Released by Steve Jobs shortly before NeXT, Inc. was bought by Apple, Inc.
Mac OS 9.x
See also: Mac OS 9 updaters
Mac OS 9.0.4 (Disc 2.0) (G4 Cube) (CD)
Mac OS 9.2.2 (Disc 1.0) (iMac) (CD) [fr_FR]
(Missing disc 2) 691-5317-A,2Z,iMac G5. Mac OS X Install Disc 1. Mac OS v10.4. AHT v2.5.1. Disc v1.0 (DVD DL)
System 7.5.5 Update
First download is System 7.5.5 International Updater for System 7.5 update 2 or System 7.5.3 users on 4 floppy disks. Second download is the same thing except only for US English and it's only 3 floppies which basically correspond to the...
Mac OS 9.2.1 & 9.2.2 (Chinese) is Tranditional Chinese vsersion. Installation guide for MacOSX: Running Qemu-system-ppc with Mac OS/OSX guests in macOS [E-Maculation wiki] (
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