Found 187 software entries
from category: Control Panels
ACTION Menus is the most powerful and indispensable menu utility you'll ever use. Whether you want to customize your Apple and Application menus, or create new menus within applications and in the Finder, or just use its preconfigured setup,...
DayStar PowerMath
Using ClickLock!, you can continue dragging without pressing the mouse/trackpad button. If you feel that it is hard to use iMac's mouse or trackpad for dragging, please use ClickLock! :-) Registration Information: Name: siddhartha Code:...
System Disk Utility
Developer alternative to startup disk control panel, including options to control Open Firmware. See:
Radius Powerview 1.1 Floppy. Contains Radiusware 2.02 and Scsiprobe 3.3
Radius Powerview version 1.1 Floppy Disk- 800k, kind : dd (double sided) hfs (file system). 640-0153-03 part number 825-0309 5/90
ColorKey is a control panel that allows you to instantaneously switch/cycle through chosen color depths when you hold down Command (Apple) and Option (ALT) while you click the mouse. To edit the cycle options, hold down Command (Apple), Option...
PPPfloater is a Control Panel that will automatically open a floating windoid whenever you open a MacPPP connection. The PPPfloater windoid "floats" above all other applications for easy access. The floater has two functions: it...
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