Found 47 software entries
from category: Development Tools
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE)
Apple Open Collaboration Environment (or simply "AOCE") was Apple's initiative to develop a network environment for end user consumers, notably PowerTalk, PowerShare and Open Directory. It was a complex project which overwhelmed...
INIT Tracker
INIT Tracker is an INIT you place in your System Folder and loads before any other INIT and lurks behind the scenes, recordingg everything that every INIT is doing. Using INIT Tracker, programmers can underatand how other INITs work their...
PowerBook 550c ROM
The ROM file sourced from the rare Japan-only, PowerBook 550c. Checksum: B57687A5 MD5: cb9915ed5e9cfd97106618ac65c53884
PCI Power Macintosh DDK A5 (includes Mac OS 7.5.2a5c2)
691-3169 Mac OS X Developer Tools 10.1
Jasik’ s Debugger & Nosy
MacNosy is debugger/disassembler tool. Also it can disassemble Mac ROM.
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