Found 24 software entries in System from category: Internet & Communications

Network Software Installer

Network Software Installer (1994)
(Modified on 2023-10-11 17:58:50)

Network Software Installer Version ZM-1.4.5 Read Me You can use this Network Software Installer to install the following networking products:    • Update to AppleTalk version 58.1.4    • Network Control Panel...

AppleLine File Transfer

AppleLine File Transfer (1984)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 14:58:55)

[AppleLine is] an interface device that allows the Macintosh to be used as an IBM 3278-2 terminal for accessing information on large IBM mainframes. The self-contained unit connects directly to the 3274/3276 type-cluster controller coaxial cable and...

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