Found 32 software entries
from category: Appearance
Alternate WDEF
Alternate WDEF is a control panel that lets you minimize windows to floating icons you can place anywhere on the screen. It also changes the windows interface buttons.
MICN is a control panel which allows you to change their menubar text labels for (B&W) icons. In MICN, you can draw B&W icons directly in the control panel and they're saved internally. Many pre-made icons are...
Fat Cursors
Fat Cursors is a system control panel that installs slightly larger Arrow and IBeam cursors. If you've ever seen the standard cursors on a PowerBook 180c, or if you just have a hard time finding the cursor on your screen, you'll...
DubDub Scroll Bars
Mitch Crane's "DubDub Scroll Bars" is an AppleScript for Mac OS 8.5 through 9.2.x that activates/unlocks bi-directional scroll arrows at each end of each scroll bar; This feature could be set in the Appearance Manager in pre-release...
ChangeArrow 1.2
ChangeArrow is a control panel for B&W 68K Macs that lets you change the default arrow cursor for 10 other B&W static cursors. There is no color and no animation possible, so better alternatives existed back then such as...
Welcome to the world of animated cursors! Since the first time Apple introduced the rotating watch in the Finder and the rotating beachball in MPW, a lot of programs have duplicated this feature. Whether it is done to entertain you while you have to...
iMac Cursor
Changes your cursor for a bondi blue cursor. Looks to have been made using parts of CursorAnimator 2.0.1
Halo Sound Set
Halo Sound Set is an Apperance Manager Sound Set file containing sound effects from the game Halo. It adds events sounds to the Finder in Mac OS 8 and 9. Halo Sound Set also contains 3 AIFF sound clips from that same game. You...
DeskPicture 4.0
DesktopConsole allows you to display the system console or any log file on the Desktop. DesktopConsole's features include: • View the system console or any log file on the Desktop. • AppleScript support (scriptable and...
Theme Changer (OSX theming)
ThemeChanger switches your theme in Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3 or 10.4 and it supports the .theme and .dlta formats. For other themes such as in the guikit format, see: ShapeShifter
DragAnyWindow 2.0
DragAnyWindow 2.0 Moves those previously unmovable windows. Great for compact Macs.
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