Found 207 software entries
from category: Extension
CopyBeep is an endearing little INIT which plays a sound after a Finder copy or other Finder operation which takes longer than 15 seconds. CopyBeep works by patching the toolbox routines ShowWindow and CloseWindow. When the Finder shows a window...
Niji is a cool system extension that changes your Mac's user interface. Features include custom windows, menus, pop-ups, scroll bars, buttons, icons, and more. Niji comes with several predefined appearances, such as "True NeXT" (a...
Left Return
Magic Program Menu
Magic Program menu is a MacOS system extension that adds a "magic" program menu to the standard Apple Menu which will contain entries to launch all of your applications on all of your disks. This menu will "magically" build and...
RamDisk+ v2.x
Open Spaces
Open Spaces is an extension I wrote because I was annoyed that I could move through folders with the arrow keys in System 7, but needed two hands to open a file (I don't have an extended keyboard, so neither command-O nor command-down-arrow is...
Lights, Camera, Action!
Motorola Math Library
Deep Thought
Desktop Reset
Elixir is an extension which enables your mac to view Chinese (GB, HZ and BIG5), Japanese and Korean in all the programs that allow you to change text fonts. Registration Information: Go to the Elixir Menu > About...
Watch Alarm
The Mac wasn’t the first computer with a Clipboard, but it did make cutting and pasting far more accessible to far more people. But as good as it is, the Mac's Clipboard hasn't kept up with the rest of the System. Its most significant...
OneSpace INIT
Today’s the Day
Drop this in your System Folder (or Extensions folder under System 7) so that the Finder under Systems 6/7 (and probably, I think, back much farther than that) will show files modified today or yesterday as “Today” or...
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