Found 207 software entries
from category: Extension
OneSpace INIT
Watch Alarm
The Mac wasn’t the first computer with a Clipboard, but it did make cutting and pasting far more accessible to far more people. But as good as it is, the Mac's Clipboard hasn't kept up with the rest of the System. Its most significant...
Elixir is an extension which enables your mac to view Chinese (GB, HZ and BIG5), Japanese and Korean in all the programs that allow you to change text fonts. Registration Information: Go to the Elixir Menu > About...
Today’s the Day
Drop this in your System Folder (or Extensions folder under System 7) so that the Finder under Systems 6/7 (and probably, I think, back much farther than that) will show files modified today or yesterday as “Today” or...
ColorKey is a control panel that allows you to instantaneously switch/cycle through chosen color depths when you hold down Command (Apple) and Option (ALT) while you click the mouse. To edit the cycle options, hold down Command (Apple), Option...
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