Found 5 software entries in System from category: MacOS Forks


Shuriken (2022)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 19:29:18)

Shuriken is the official follow-up project to Sorbet Leopard, as well as the direct successor to the AquaTrimcelerator / AquaSuite Mac OS X 10.4 utility packages, in addition to being the ultimate culmination in...

Sorbet Leopard

Sorbet Leopard (2021)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 19:23:32)

Sorbet Leopard is modernized Mac OS X 10.5.9 with many optimization patches that make it run faster and in a more secure fashion. One of the many interesting features is its security certificates that match those of macOS 10.13.6.  It also...


SFOS (2020)
(Modified on 2023-03-12 17:51:29)

What is SFOS (SlapFuck OS) : SFOS is a Hybrid MacOS Harmony Fork, for 68K computers and extended support for first-generation Power mac computers. The project was first started in 1995 from the Mac system 7 source code and later on added...

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