Found 30 software entries in System from category: Novelties & Fun


Theminator (2000)
(Modified on 2023-06-28 18:16:25)

ALPHA SOFTWARE - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Theminator is the newest appearance editor for the Mac OS. It allows editing of Mac OS 8.5 and Mac OS X Appearances (as far as you are able to edit Appearances on Mac OS X...). It's main advantage at...


ClarusX2005 (2005)
(Modified on 2020-07-27 17:14:06)

From the Readme First document... ClarusX2005 Written by Roby Sherman The original Clarus the Dogcow design was created by Susan Kare, but you already knew...

Squeaky Toy

Squeaky Toy (1997)
(Added on 2017-11-14 17:29:50)

Squeaky Toy is an extension which once activated, turns your mouse into a literal squeaky toy. Each click of the mouse will emit the high pitch squeak that everyone knows and loves. This is garenteed to not at all become...

Power Windows 2.x

Power Windows 2.x (2001)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 12:24:17)

Power Windows is a small control panel that lets you tap into your Mac's unused processor power to perform amazingly cool effects with windows and menus (so I guess I should really call it “Power Windows and Menus”, or maybe...

Additional MacOS Startup Screens

Additional MacOS Startup Screens (2023)
(Modified on 2023-06-21 00:58:57)

The generic Startup Screen can be replaced and customized by pasting a new PICT file into the resource PICT for the Startup Screen. Whenever editing System Files, be cautious and create a duplicate of the System File to ensure that any active...

ShapeShifter (OSX theming)

ShapeShifter (OSX theming) (2003)
(Modified on 2023-04-30 16:05:34)

ShapeShifter lets you change the overall appearance of your Mac OS X computer using themes, very much like Kaleidoscope did with earlier classic Mac OS versions.  It can change the look of windows, menus, apps, buttons, cursors and...

Window Monkey 1.3.1

Window Monkey 1.3.1 (2001)
(Modified on 2024-12-12 13:31:19)

Window Monkey lets users choose a background pattern picture that fills the white behind the Finder windows.  Window Monkey also adds a new menu item in the right hand corner of the menu bar listing all open apps windows and recent used...

Apple Wizards Spin Cursor

Apple Wizards Spin Cursor (1998)
(Modified on 2023-10-03 11:48:06)

During processor-intensive tasks, your Mac's normal arrow cursor changes to a small wristwatch with hands that spin around while you wait. Sometimes you see a beachball spinning on end. Ho hum. But now, with the Apple Wizards Spin Cursor, you...

Halo Sound Set

Halo Sound Set (2002)
(Modified on 2023-09-26 14:29:54)

Halo Sound Set is an Apperance Manager Sound Set file containing sound effects from the game Halo.  It adds events sounds to the Finder in Mac OS 8 and 9.  Halo Sound Set also contains 3 AIFF sound clips from that same game.  You...

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