Found 8 software entries
from category: Fonts
Polonizator Mac OS 9 (3.x)
Polinizator translates all the menu items, system windows and general Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x interface text to Polish and also installs the Central European fonts.
Mac Romanian RSRC Fonts and Keyboard Layout
1. Unzip the file > Mount the image > Read instructions > Install software > Check instructions agian how to activate romanian resources > Enjoy. 2. Copy romanian fonts to System folder > Fonts .
SweetJAM 7.0
SweetJAM is an unobtrusive Japanese language system for Mac computers, running on an English Mac OS. Originally released in 1985 as "Mac Nihongo OS" for the Macintosh 128k, it preceded Apple's KanjiTalk by a whole year. Once...
MenuFonts 4.5 & 4.7
LaserWriter Plus Kit
The LaserWriter Plus Kit is both a software and hardware addition to the basic LaserWriter printer. You can buy the LaserWriter Plus or upgrade your present LaserWriter. Your authorized Apple dealer installs the hardware and you'll use the...
Font Fixer for 8.6
Apple LaserWriter Pro 300/360
FontPatchin' 2.2
Menu font can be changed for each application in the control panel

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