Found 23 software entries
from category: Translator
cRussify Mac
cRussify is "Macintosh Russification the easy way." What cRussify does is patch your US English Mac OS system to "understand" Russian script. It does not use extensions or control panels as opposed to other solutions, so...
Apple IMC Russia - File Archive (Архив русских компонентов)
Localization files for Mac OS X, iTunes, iWork, etc., as well as other things created and distributed by Apple IMC Russia (aka are provided on this page. With the exception of Russian components for iWork '08, they are located on a...
Greek Localisation for English System 7
When using English versions of System 7, you may have noticed that Greek text does not appear correctly in file names and menu items (appears as square boxes). Moreover, the greek keyboard layout is missing, as well as the regional settings for...
Polonizator Mac OS 9 (3.x)
Polinizator translates all the menu items, system windows and general Mac OS 9.1.x or 9.2.x interface text to Polish and also installs the Central European fonts.
Ultimate Cyrillic Script (UCS)
Ultimate Cyrillic Script v1.5.3 for Mac OS. Your proper way of "Russification" of Macintosh. It adds the possibility to read, write in Russian and resolves other language-related problems. Developed by Macintosh...
Dialect 1.X - 3.X
Русификация по-Кольцовски (Russify your Mac)
The Mac OS Russification package made by Yuri Koltsov. It includes three fonts (Chicago, Geneva, Monaco) and a Russian keyboard. ResEdit is required for installation. Detailed instructions in Russian can be found here or here(Web...
SweetJAM 7.0
SweetJAM is an unobtrusive Japanese language system for Mac computers, running on an English Mac OS. Originally released in 1985 as "Mac Nihongo OS" for the Macintosh 128k, it preceded Apple's KanjiTalk by a whole year. Once...
Localizer 3.5
XGreek 1.0.3 for OSX10.3
ΧGreek is a utility which adding Greek funcionality for Mac OS X version 10.3 (Panther), though no full greek interface. Το XGreek uses the greek Language Script for apps that need it, e.g Microsoft Word.
Slovenian system 7.5 (Slovenski sistem)
In november of 1995 Jabolko : - ) d.o.o. (Slovenian Apple Centre) introduced first Slovenian Mac OS System 7.5. It was never officially supported by Apple. Even today we do not have Slovenian translated Mac OS or iOS. The begining of translation...
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.5.8
Čeština pro Mac OS X 10.3.9 Panther
Advanced Chinese Input Suite
Localizer 3.8
xRussify Mac
UniSpell 2.x
UniSpell 2.5 Compatible with: MS Office'98, MS Word 6.0, MS Word 5.1, QuarkXPress 3.x/4.0, Adobe PageMaker 6.0/6.5, Adobe Illustrator 7.0, Macromedia Freehand 8.0, Aldus PageMaker 5.0

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