Found 207 software entries
from category: Extension
DivX 4 codec
EjectDisk is an extremely useful extension/application combination - once you start using it you will wonder how you ever lived without it! By pressing a key combination (which you can easily change) you can eject floppy disks, Zip/SyQuest/Jaz disks...
WHAT IS SPINTIME? SpinTime is a system extension that overrides your Mac's normal behavior so that an animated color beach ball with 3D effects appears in place of the usual black and white watch cursor. In addition to appearing in the...
PC Compatibility Card Installer and tools [FRENCH]
ISO images of the installer CD-ROMs that came with the Apple PC compatibility card, in French. Carte de compatibilité PC — Logiciel système 7.5.3 (PC compatibility card — System software 7.5.3) Logiciel Mac OS...
Extension Conflict
This program may help you determine if there are any inconistencies between your installed set of extensions. It is quite intuitive, use the Extensions menu and just select "Check Conflicts" to determine possible Extension conflicts on...
Smaller Font Smoothing 1.0.1
Patches the Appearance Manager to smooth fonts at less than 12 points.
3ivx/Xvid (for OS 8.6 to 9.x + OSX)
3vix is a system extension that allows to play DIVX and XVID movies (MPEG-4 format) on Mac OS 8.6 and later.
Bomb Shelter
Bomb shelter is a little INIT (it uses up under 1/2 K of memory) that gives you some protection from System Bombs. System Bombs occur when a program goes out of control due to programmer error and crashes the machine. The Macintosh...
INIT Tracker
INIT Tracker is an INIT you place in your System Folder and loads before any other INIT and lurks behind the scenes, recordingg everything that every INIT is doing. Using INIT Tracker, programmers can underatand how other INITs work their...
Discolour (Disc Colour) is a system extension for System 7.0 and later that rectifies a shortcoming in the wonderful Finder 7.0: floppy disk icons are displayed as the ugly old black and white icon while the rest of the desktop is bursting with...
SFVol INIT is a little utility which adds a pop up menu to the so called "Standard File" (the ones you see when you select Open... or Save As... from applications and desk accessories) dialog boxes. This pop up menu allows you to...
Wacky Lights
Wacky Lights is a little INIT which plays with the lights on the Apple Extended Keyboard, bouncing them back and forth. It is absolutely free, works under System 6 and System 7, and is smart enough to not load if you don't have an Extended...
Iomega Zip
Kingston KNE30 Drivers and EtherRX PCI Diagnostics
Peripherals Support Drivers Compilation (1990 to 2001)
This peripherals support drivers compilation includes more than 300 system extensions, peripheral/accessories/dongle drivers and their updates for Mac models ranging from 1990 to 2001. Please download the DiskTracker catalog to instantly...
PPCdebKEY define the following 4 keys: Control-` to enter into the debugger. Exit with a GO command. Control-Shift-` to refresh the screen. Control-Option-` quit the current application (or the...
QuickTime component for CASIO EXILIM MPEG-4 version 2.x
This is an extension that allows the system to play the mpeg4 video from the Exilim range of Casio digital cameras.
Gravity Mouse
This fun little INIT will cause your mouse to occasionally be overcome by gravity. If you have to ask why this is useful, you don't need it. Source code will probably be available at a later date for interested parties. Note...
Broadcast Messenger
Broadcast Messenger is a tiny chooser extension that enables users to broadcast messages across their AppleTalk network.
Menu Clock (aka Instant Time)
Adds a clock to the menu bar
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