Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "Y"
from category: Drivers & Hardware Support
Yamaha CRW4416s Firmware
Yamaha A5000 Hardware Sampler Editor + TWE
Software editor Yamaha for the A5000 hardware sampler. Included TWE: Tiny Wave Editor, for editing samples and soundfiles. There was also an editor for the Yamaha A4000 hardware sampler.
Yamaha FS1R Editor 1.0.1 Beta + Bonus
This is an editor in beta for the Yamaha FS1R synthesizer. The editor is fully functional.
Yamaha A4000 Hardware Sampler Editor + TWE
Software editor Yamaha for the A4000 hardware sampler. Included TWE: Tiny Wave Editor, for editing samples and soundfiles. There was also an editor for the Yamaha A5000 hardware sampler.
Yamaha An1x synthesizer editor
Original Yamaha software editor for the wonderful An1x VA synthesizer.
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