Found 2 software entries in System beginning with: "Q" from category: Codec

QDesign Music Codec 2.1

QDesign Music Codec 2.1 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-08-23 12:06:55)

The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...

QDesign Music Codec 2

QDesign Music Codec 2 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-03-09 22:53:28)

The Professional Edition of the QDesign Music Codec 2, for QuickTime 4, represents a breakthrough in audio technology for new media. It enables audio files to be compressed to levels beyond 100:1 while maintaining good quality sound. A one-minute,...

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