Found 6 software entries in System beginning with: "O" from category: Control Panels & Extensions

Open Music System 2.3.8 (OMS)

Open Music System 2.3.8 (OMS) (1996)
(Modified on 2023-09-11 16:03:19)

Back in the day it was the most used MIDI configuration application. It´s the bridge between your MIDI hardware and your Mac. Many MIDI applications need OMS to work. "The Open Music System (OMS) is a collection of...

On Location!

On Location! (1991)
(Modified on 2023-03-16 17:18:25)

A very fast file location Desk Accessroy; index drives and find file quickly and easily. Q: What are the three must important things to consider when you buy real estate? A: Location, location, and location. This truism can apply to the real...


Out! (2000)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 19:06:29)

Out! is a system extension that enables you to drag your windows on the edge of the screen to close them (left, right or bottom edge) and Out! simulates clicking on the close box in the corner of the window, so it will still ask you for example if...

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