Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "N"
from category: Utilities
Norton DiskDoubler Pro 1.1
The Norton DiskDoubler Pro package is a new name for a collection of utilities that was formerly sold under the name SuperDoubler. DiskDoubler Pro includes DiskDoubler (DD), a utility that compresses files, thus freeing disk space; AutoDoubler (AD),...
Newton Connection Utility
The NTFS-3G driver is an open source, freely available read/write NTFS driver available on all major OS'es. NTFS-3G is open source and is available on GitHub
NuPower® Cache 1.2
this is NuPower® Cache 1.2
NuPower System Update
this is the NuPower System Update
Newton Connection
Disk images are in dc42 format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
NudgeMouser 2 helps you use your mouse. It lets you move the mouse very precisely, using either the cursor keys or the numeric keypad. With NudgeMouser 2, you can also change many of settings via a Control Panel.
NortonFix 1.0
NortonFix will repair HFS+, Mac OS Extended, volumes corrupted by Norton Utilities. You should always run Apple's "Disk First Aid" utility in conjunction with NortonFix for a more complete verification and repair.
NetChronometer will synchronize the date and time of your Macintosh with a highly accurate network time server over the internet. You can even set up NetChronometer to synchronize with the time server periodically, for unattended operation.
NPmanage for Macintosh v2.3
Network Printer Management for Macintosh for DEC printers
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