Found 18 software entries in System beginning with: "K" from category: Drivers & Hardware Support


Korg OASYS PCI (1999)
(Modified on 2019-02-03 23:52:28)

The Korg OASYS PCI is a DSP card and host software that Korg released while they were trying to figure out how to package the technology into an affordable keyboard. It has analog and digital audio I/O, ADAT sync, and onboard DSP. Included with the...

Keyspan SX Pro Serial Card

Keyspan SX Pro Serial Card (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-21 15:03:08)

The Keyspan SX Pro Serial Card is a serial communications card for use with Mac OS-based personal computers which utilize the PCI local bus. Once you install the card in your Mac's PCI slot, you will have access to four serial ports that support...

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