Found 2 software entries in System beginning with: "F" from category: Keyboard Layout

French Canadian Keyboard Layout

French Canadian Keyboard Layout (1989)
(Modified on 2024-01-07 11:56:43)

This is a file that contains two French Canadian keyboard layouts (French Canadian and ISO). To install, copy to the "Systems" file located in "System Folder" (that looks like a briefcase). This file was taken from System...

France - NF Z71 300A

France - NF Z71 300A (2023)
(Modified on 2024-01-09 12:11:25)

France - NF pourrait vous être utile si, par exemple, vous utilisez un émulateur tel que SheepShaver avec un clavier à la norme NF Z71 300 A. France - NF est une configuration de clavier pour MacOS 9 basée sur...

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