Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "F"
from category: Control Panels
f.lux (pronouced "flux") is a program that adjusts a display's color temperature, to reduce blue light, according to location and time of day, it is designed to reduce eye strain during night time use, helping to reduce disruption...
FCB Inspector
FCB Inspector 1.1 is a freeware Control Panel that allows users to peek at a Macintosh's list of open files. It also provides information about these files on demand and can close ones that aren't crucial to system operation. Finally, when...
Finder Sounds
Faster (CDEV)
Faster is a RAM Disk that is supposedly faster due to the driver not using any traps.
Finder Fixer
Fat Cursors
Fat Cursors is a system control panel that installs slightly larger Arrow and IBeam cursors. If you've ever seen the standard cursors on a PowerBook 180c, or if you just have a hard time finding the cursor on your screen, you'll...
FinderCmds is a control panel that allows you to perform basic Finder commands from anywhere through user-defined "hot" keys.
FastFontMenu is a Control Panel which speeds up the building of the Font Menu in most applications. It does this by sorting the font names in an internal array, rather than insertion sorting them in the menu the way older versions of the MacOS did ....
Front&Center is a control panel that allows the user to find the cursor location by pressing a hot key. The cursor flashes (appears and disappears). The user can customize the hot keys, the flash rate and even if the cursor shall...
Finder Options 1.0
From the ReadMe file: What features are revealed in the Finder by Finder Options? Control-Drag to Make Aliases (Requires System 7 Pro) - If this is selected, you can control-drag icons in the Finder to make aliases, just as you would drag...

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