Found 56 software entries in System beginning with: "E"


Eject-Me-Not (1997)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 16:29:03)

Eject-Me-Not is an extension that disables the Finder's "Eject" command and "steers" users toward the proper use of the "Put Away" command for removing floppy disks (and other removables). The use of the...

Enchanted Menus 88

Enchanted Menus 88 (1988)
(Modified on 2023-12-16 01:28:08)

A tiny init file that randomises the location of dropped menus on the screen. Very funny back in the day if you wanted to do a co-worker's head in.... otherwise of little practical use.


eDisk (1991)
(Modified on 2023-11-24 07:10:29)

eDisk™ expands the effective capacity of a Macintosh hard-disk with a one-time installation process, then operates "transparently" without further user involvement. eDisk™ uses two techniques in concert to expand a hard...

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