Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
BeOS Preview Release 230105
This is the first BeOS Preview Release 230105 from 1997. Please note that it requires real compatible hardware to run.
BootX (Linux)
Allows Old-world computers to boot into Linux using Mac OS.
BeOS 5.0.3
BeOS Preview Release 2
BeOS PPC x86
BootMania, that enables multiple computer to boot from a single disk image over IP network. Easily create NetBoot or NetInstall images from installation CD/DVD, the Internet or installed OS. BootMania became freeware -...
BeOS release 4.5.2
Be Operating System for most beige PowerPC macs with a PCI bus and a 603/slower 604 processor (NOT 601 or G3 processors). Please check the compatibility notes below first. To install you will need the SimpleText file...
BeOS MacWorld Preview Release
BeOS Developer Release 8.2 & 8.3 for Power Mac
B&W G3 Updates for Mac OS 8.6
Couple Apple system updates for the B&W G3 Mac to enable it to run Mac OS 8.6, files included are: 2940U2B Firmware 1.2.smi Apple-GV 56K Updaters.smi ATI Video SW Update 1.0.smi FireWire 2.1.smi G3 CD Update 2.0.smi G3 Firmware...
BeOS Developer Release 8
This is the BeOS Developer Release 8 from 1996 See also: BeOS dev release 8.2 & 8.3
B'sCrew FW
B'sCrew FW Version 1.0.0 to 1.0.6 or by upgrading from B'sCrew FW 2.0.0 upgrade to Upgrade to B'sCrew mini Version 2.1.0.
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