Found 23 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Diagnostics & Servicing
Apple TechStep Software
In 1991, Apple released a hand-held diagnostic tool for Macintosh computers and SCSI hard drives called the TechStep. It was sold exclusively to Apple resellers and service centers for $1,000. The primary SIT software archive contains Disk Copy...
All Apple Hardware Test (AHT) & Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) disks
Apple Service Diagnostic (ASD) is Apple's bootable hardware testing console that lets you run extensive technical test routines on your Mac. Alternatively, Apple Hardware Test (AHT) is a simpler version of ASD that is already on most Mac...
AppleCare Protection Plan - TechTool Deluxe From Micromat (0Z691-4808-A) [REDUMP REQUIRED]
This bootable compact disc contains the TechTool Deluxe diagnostic software included with the AppleCare Protection Plan in 2004.
Apple Technical Coordinator Toolkit CD
Apple Hardware Test for Xserve-PowerPC
Apple TechStep CPU Tests, Vol. 3 Troubleshooting Guide
This is a PDF of the Apple TechStep CPU Tests, Vol. 3 Troubleshooting Guide. Scanned in from my personal collection. This is the only manual I have with my TechStep.
Apple Personal Diagnostics
Macintosh Diagnostics and Hardware Tests. For Macintosh starting with Macintosh Plus to Power Macintosh, with system software versions 6.0.7 to 8.6. Automated diagnostics (from System 7.0 and greater). Benchmark Checks (with range of CPU...
Apple Hardware Test for Mac mini (PPC)
Apple Hardware Test for PowerMac G5 (CD)
the top file in the list is Apple Hardware Test Read Me pdf file.
Apple Hardware Test for eMac G4 1.2.1 (691-4031-A) (CD)
Apple Hardware Test for eMac and iMac-PowerPC
Apple Hardware Test for Cube 2000-2001
Apple Hardware Test CDs
Apple Hardware Test (AHT) is a useful diagnostic CD made specifically for each Macintosh model, allowing the user to test his computer's components using that disc. They were given with the computer, but as usual, since so many people lose...
AppleCare CD - TechTool - Compilations
AppleCare Diagnostics CD Collection 691-3056-A - TechTool v. 2.5.6 - Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, NL, ES, SE, JP - Was shipped with Powermac G4 and iBook along with OS X 10.1 and Mac OS 9.2 AppleCare (TechTool)...
Apple Hardware Test v1.2.3 for iBook (GERMAN)
This CD was added as part of the white plastic iBook delivery. See also: Same AHT for iBook v1.2.3 in English
Apple Hardware Test SW for iMac v1.1 / 691-2924-A
Apple Hardware Test v2.0.1 eMac (CD)
Apple Hardware Test v2.0 iMac 2003 (CD)
Apple Hardware Test SW v2.0 for Power Mac G4 2003 (CD)
Apple Hardware Test v2.0 for PowerBook G4 12-inch 2003 (CD)

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