Found 2 software entries
beginning with: "P"
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
Pippin System Software 7.5.2a3 (w/ pre-installed SheepShaver)
SSW 7.5.2a3 experiment boot disk for the Bandai Pippin ROM The second archive is SheepShaver 2.5 (for Windows) pre-configured w/ an old world ROM and the same disk image as above, but a little tweak was made to make it boot under SheepShaver. ...
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (J)
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (or PEase, short for Pippin Ease) is a CD-ROM-based shell which allows Pippin consoles to launch applications from a simplified alternative to the Macintosh Finder desktop. It resembles Apple Computer's own At...
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