Found 9 software entries in Pippin beginning with: "T" from category: Japanese

Tamagotchi CD-ROM (J)

Tamagotchi CD-ROM (J) (1997)
(Modified on 2020-10-25 13:30:46)

  Based on the virtual pet series from Japan. Raise a Tamagotchi from an egg, make sure it eats, play with it. and clean up its poop after it! Sometimes your Tamagotchi may be naughty and will need to be disciplined, but don't be...

T-Break (J)

T-Break (J) (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 11:51:02)

T·Break (ティ・ブレイク) is a CD-ROM-based board game of peg solitaire, also known as solo noble, for the Pippin Atmark console.  - (PiPP!N @World & Atmark Wiki)

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