Found 12 software entries
from category: Educational
Shichisokusen (ビジネスエデュテイメントソフト 死地則戦) (J)
SeesawC 1 - My favorite things - Sukinamonodake Eitango 120 (J)
Randoseru Shougakkou 1-Nensei (ランドセル 小学1年生) (J)
SeesawC 2 - My favorite places - Sukinatokorode Eitango 400 (J)
Dazzeloids (ダズロイド) (J)
Macintosh version
Anpanman no AIUEO-N! (アンパンマンのあいうえお~ん!) (J)
Original written name: アンパンマンのあいうえお〜ん!
Narabete! Tsukkute! Ugoku Block (ならべて! つくって! うごくブロック) (J)
An edutainment game about moving blocks around to make shapes, such as vehicles and buildings.
Anpanman to Asobou! 2 (アンパンマンとあそぼう! 2) (J)
Anpanman to Asobou! 1 (アンパンマンとあそぼう! 1) (J)
With Open Eyes: Images from the Art Institute of Chicago (よく見てごらん!) (J)
Fair, then Partly Piggy (はれときどきぶた) (J)
A Bear Family Adventure: featuring Playtime in the Park
A Bear Family Adventure was produced by Nova Development and released in the United States by Kidsoft for Macintosh and Windows 3.1 separately in 1995. This is an unreleased Pippin port (which also works on Macintosh) which came with a...
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