Found 81 software entries
Music ISLAND vol.1: Peter and the Wolf (プロコフィエフ ピーターと狼) (J)
See also: vol.2, vol.3, vol.4, vol.5
Music ISLAND vol.2: The Nutcracker (チャイコフスキー くるみわり人形) (J)
See also: vol.1, vol.3, vol.4, vol.5
Music ISLAND vol.3: The Four Seasons (ヴィヴァルディ 四季) (J)
See also: vol.1, vol.2, vol.4, vol.5
Super Marathon
Ports of Marathon and Marathon 2: Durandal for the Apple Bandai Pippin.
Funky Funny Aliens (J)
Gundam 0079: The War for Earth (J)
Gundam 0079 stands out from a pack of other Gundam games with one fact; it's the only one so far developed in the U.S. for both the U.S. and Japanese markets, not to mention one of the first real games developed for the Bandai Pippin WWW/CD-ROM...
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (はしってあそぼう!きかんしゃトーマス) (J)
A Bear Family Adventure: featuring Playtime in the Park
A Bear Family Adventure was produced by Nova Development and released in the United States by Kidsoft for Macintosh and Windows 3.1 separately in 1995. This is an unreleased Pippin port (which also works on Macintosh) which came with a...
Tropic Island (for Bandai Pippin)
A pinball game for the Pippin, try the Mac version here
Yellows: Akira Gomi Photographs (イエローズ) (J)
A multimedia photobook of art nudes.
Yellows 2.0 Tokyo 1993 Akira Gomi Photographs (J)
A multimedia photobook of art nudes.
Densha Daishuugou: Driving Train (電車大集合 ドライビングトレイン) (J)
Fortullia (フォルチュリア) (J)
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
For Pippin @WORLD
Almost the same as INTERNET KIT Ver.1.0 from Disk 6 vol.1 bundle
[Pippin] Power Rangers Zeo Vs. The Machine Empire
A beat-em-up starring Power Rangers Zeo
Shock Wave (ショックウェーブ, Shockwave Assault) (J)
A 3D flying action game for the Pippin. Includes FMV sequences, which are dubbed in Japanese, though the rest of the game is in English. Originally released for the 3DO, there is also an English version for the Mac known as Shockwave Assault.
Gakkō no Kowai Uwasa: Hanako-san ga Kita!! (学校のコワイうわさ 花子さんがきた!!) (J)
Gokigen Mama no Omakase Diary (ごきげんママのおまかせダイアリー) (J)
Fair, then Partly Piggy (はれときどきぶた) (J)
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