Found 5 software entries
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
Pippin System Software 7.5.2a3 (w/ pre-installed SheepShaver)
SSW 7.5.2a3 experiment boot disk for the Bandai Pippin ROM The second archive is SheepShaver 2.5 (for Windows) pre-configured w/ an old world ROM and the same disk image as above, but a little tweak was made to make it boot under SheepShaver. ...
Macintosh on Pippin (aka Tuscon) (U)
Special bootleg version of System 7.5.2 that has been "Pippinized" to run on an Apple/Bandai Pippin game console. The name of the original file is misspelled from the city, Tucson.
TV Works Ver.POP (J)
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (J)
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (or PEase, short for Pippin Ease) is a CD-ROM-based shell which allows Pippin consoles to launch applications from a simplified alternative to the Macintosh Finder desktop. It resembles Apple Computer's own At...
TV Works Ver.POP 1999 (J)
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