Found 64 software entries
from category: Japanese
Nemurenu Yoru no Chiisana Ohanashi (眠れぬ夜の小さなお話) (J)
Densha Daishuugou: Driving Train (電車大集合 ドライビングトレイン) (J)
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (J)
PEASE Pippin Compatible Kit (or PEase, short for Pippin Ease) is a CD-ROM-based shell which allows Pippin consoles to launch applications from a simplified alternative to the Macintosh Finder desktop. It resembles Apple Computer's own At...
Pease Turbo (J)
PEASE Turbo (version 2001) is a substantial update from the original release of PEASE that shipped on November 30, 1996. However, it was not made available as an upgrade for existing users. It adds support for QuickTime audio and video media,...
Post de Card (ポスト de カード) ver. 3.0 Light (J)
TV Works Ver.POP (J)
TV Works Ver.POP 1999 (J)
Ultraman Quiz King (ウルトラマンクイズ王 [キング]) (J)
Yellows: Akira Gomi Photographs (イエローズ) (J)
A multimedia photobook of art nudes.
Yellows 2.0 Tokyo 1993 Akira Gomi Photographs (J)
A multimedia photobook of art nudes.
Tarot Mystery (タロットミステリー) (J)
Tarot Mystery (タロットミステリー) is a CD-ROM-based entertainment title for the Pippin Atmark console. The card gameplay is based on the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Originally released in Japan by Visit for...
Tetsuman Gaiden: Ambition of Great Game (鉄マン外伝 ゲーム大王の野望) (J)
Victorian Park (J)
Macintosh version
With Open Eyes: Images from the Art Institute of Chicago (よく見てごらん!) (J)
Shichisokusen (ビジネスエデュテイメントソフト 死地則戦) (J)
Atmark Town Ver. 2.0 (J)
Chisato Moritaka CD-Rom Watarase Bashi (J)
Funky Funny Aliens (J)
T-Break (J)
T·Break (ティ・ブレイク) is a CD-ROM-based board game of peg solitaire, also known as solo noble, for the Pippin Atmark console. - (PiPP!N @World & Atmark Wiki)
Disk 4 vol.1 (Pippin Navigator, Pippin Network, TV Works, Pippin Title CD-Rom Catalog)
"Disk 4 vol.1" is a 4 CD bundle containing Pippin demos and software catalogs. Here are the 4 CD's in that bundle: Disk 4 vol.1 [1of4] Pippin Navigator CD Ver 1.1 [BDB-008] Disk 4 vol.1 [2of4] Pippin Network CD Ver. 2.0...
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