Found 64 software entries
from category: Japanese
Tunin'Glue (J)
this is NanaOn-Sha's First Game The Same People Behind the Parappa The Rapper Series on PlayStation
Disk 6 vol.1 (Pippin Navigator, Pippin Network, TV Works Word Paint Mail, INTERNET KIT, Franky Online, ATMARK TOWN)
"Disk 6 vol.1" is a 6 CD bundle containing Pippin demos and software catalogs. Here are the 6 CD's in that bundle: Disk 6 vol.1 [1of6] Pippin Navigator CD (J) [!] [BDB-001] Disk 6 vol.1 [2of6] Pippin Network CD (J) [!]...
Anime Designer: Dragon Ball Z
This game/application is designed to let you make your own DragonBall Z scenes. Several localities can be chosen; like the World Martial Arts Tournament, Kame House, Kami's Lookout, King Kai's planet, or the Sacred World of the Kais among...
Racing Days (Pippin version)
A racing game for the Pippin. One of the better choices for the system. See also: Racing Days (Mac version), Racing Days R
Gundam Tactics: Mobility Fleet0079
A Gundam Tactics game, heavy in Japanese
Mac Fan PiPPiN SPECIAL - PiPPiN Title Demo (DISK B) (J)
Tarot Mystery (タロットミステリー) (J)
Tarot Mystery (タロットミステリー) is a CD-ROM-based entertainment title for the Pippin Atmark console. The card gameplay is based on the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Originally released in Japan by Visit for...
Music ISLAND vol.4: Carnival of the Animals (サン=サーンス 動物の謝肉祭) (J)
See also: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3, vol.5
Music ISLAND vol.3: The Four Seasons (ヴィヴァルディ 四季) (J)
See also: vol.1, vol.2, vol.4, vol.5
Music ISLAND vol.2: The Nutcracker (チャイコフスキー くるみわり人形) (J)
See also: vol.1, vol.3, vol.4, vol.5
Picture Book of Mission School Uniform 'R' (ミッションスクール制服図鑑R) (J)
Music ISLAND vol.1: Peter and the Wolf (プロコフィエフ ピーターと狼) (J)
See also: vol.2, vol.3, vol.4, vol.5
Mobilesuit Gundam White Base The 13th Independent Force (J)
Nobunaga's Ambition Returns (信長の野望 リターンズ) (J)
Mac Bin 40 B (Mac User Japanese Edition 1997 3) (J)
Mac Bin 40 A
Jungle Park (ジャングルパーク) (J)
Almost the same as INTERNET KIT Ver.1.0 from Disk 6 vol.1 bundle
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (はしってあそぼう!きかんしゃトーマス) (J)
Fair, then Partly Piggy (はれときどきぶた) (J)
Gokigen Mama no Omakase Diary (ごきげんママのおまかせダイアリー) (J)
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