Found 15 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Mac Info & Literature
The Macintosh Bible (6th Edition)
TCDB 2003-10 (Type/Creator codes database)
Every Macintosh file has two four-character codes associated with it - its type and creator. The Creator code is unique to each application and enables the Finder to attach documents to their parent applications. This way you can "double...
Type/Creator Database
Type and creator DB for classic Mac OS. See last known release: TCDB 2003-10
Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh - Welcome Tour
The OS 8 Handbook
The Graphic designers basic guide to the Macintosh
A scans of original fisical book.
The Codebook
The Programmer's Digest 1.0
The Programmer's Digest 1.0 is a DOCMaker app containing short/introductory literature about Hypercard, Mac toolbox, C/C++, Cobol and HTML. It also contains an Hypercard tutorial stack and sample code.
The Audible Macintosh
The complete guide to adding and using sound and music for presentations and multimedia on the Mac. Aimed at those needing background and tutorials and also experienced users seeking detailed information, this comprehensive survey contains...
The collected
The collected is a PDF document containing 259 pages saved directly from the website which romancing the history of Apple and various key people who made the Macintosh history that we all know today...
The Original MacQuarium
It all started innocently enough. Someone wrote in to MacUser’s Help Folder column (written by yours truly and Bob Levitus truly) with a question regarding “The best way to upgrade a Mac 512.” Seeing an opportunity to make a weak...
The Magic Of Macintosh Programming Graphics and Sound 1986
The Big Mac Book
The collected
This is a PDF version of the website for off-line reading.
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