Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: Mac Info & Literature
Copland Literature
CDRM1058160,AppleLink. The best of AppleLink on CD Spring '93 Promo Edition (Not for sale)
Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany)
Contains a lot of 1980's and 1990's TV and radio ads from Apple, pictures, QuickTime VR scenes, songs and other promotional material. Note: The CD itself was for Germany and root folders are named in German, but all multimedia files are...
Claris Information Source
CompuServe Index v2.0
This is a HyperCard stack containing a detailed index about these CompuServe entries from 1992: Abacus / ABACUS ABC Worldwide Hotel Guide / ABC Academic American Encyclopedia / ENCYCLOPEDIA Access Softek / WINAPA Access Technology...
c'thema 02 & 04 Mac
The C't magazine published by Heise is a magazine with excellent knowledge about hardware as well as software. It handles topics for all OSs. Apple computers as well as MacOS also had a place in their articles. the 04 CD holds all articles of...
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