Found 29 software entries
from category: Demoscene
ATI OpenGL Demos for Mac OS X
The ATIOpenGLDemos.pbproj Project Builder project includes a set of ATI SDK demos ported from the Rage 128, Radeon, and Radeon 8500 PC OpenGL demo suites. Apple’s Project Builder developmentenvironment is required to build these...
Vanlandingham is the Macintosh's answer to the Amiga's "boing!" demo. When you launch the app, it will take 20 to 40 seconds for the animation to start, depending on your hardware, since the program draws at high resolution...
Random Dots
Random Dots is a small public domain night sky simulation app. All it does is light up random pixels and color cycling them. It cannot be used as a screensaver either, that's why I put it under the demoscene.
Rae animates smiley icons falling down and piling up at the bottom of your screen. Could be used as a screensaver almost. Click to exit Rae.
Animates a pattern in a window. You click anywhere and it closes. That's it.
MouseTrap is an early 1980's programming demo that featured a mouse capture in a square in the center of the screen. That's all there is to it.
Mesmer draws colorful sinusoidal function lines on the right half of the screen and then cycles through the colors along those lines. To end the simulation, click the mouse and wait for 10-15 seconds until the cycle is complete. It will...
Meltdown is a super tiny app (1.9KB!!) that makes your 9" monitor screen melt :) Meltdown is a much cruder and crashier clone of Melt.
IconBounce is a very early Macintosh kind of screen saver. It's more like just a demo that bounces B&W icons all over the place. This app features 1980's apps/games icons, some are more obscure than others.
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