Found 19 software entries in Misc beginning with: "R"

retro mac os/os x pack

retro mac os/os x pack (2024)
(Modified on 2024-03-16 11:04:32)

Contains 2500 icons and default desktop wallpapers from Mac OS X 10.0 to 10.9.  Also contains 3 Intel macOS utility apps: cDock - customize the dock LiteIcon - change icons Menu bar tint - get the menu bar tint  


RubyTube (2000)
(Added on 2020-04-01 04:22:46)

RubyTube is a VST plugin that works with Steinberg's Cubase. Maybe other programs also, I don't know. It's a subtle tube amp simulator and compressor to help the amateur studio engineer get that analogue sound.

Rodney's Wonder Window

Rodney's Wonder Window (1992)
(Modified on 2024-02-11 18:01:33)

A Macintosh CD-ROM collection of animated interactive vignettes published by Voyager and created by Rodney Alan Greenblat (better known for his work as the lead artist and graphic designer on the Parappa the Rapper series). 

Rhapsody - Developer's Guide

Rhapsody - Developer's Guide (1997)
(Modified on 2023-01-25 21:30:51)

Feiler, Jesse. Rhapsody Developer’s Guide. Boston: AP Professional, 1997. ISBN 0-12-251334-7 (528 pages, 12.7 MB PDF) Rhapsody Developer’s Guide provides a road map to Rhapsody technology and the ways it can be used. Based on...

ResEdit & Systemtuning

ResEdit & Systemtuning (1997)
(Modified on 2022-04-26 16:26:30)

This is the CD accompagnying the book (the book is on the CD in password protected pdf: password is RESTUN), providing tools and information. The book explains the handling of ResEdit and the Mac resources, with several tipps & tricks. In a...

Random Dots

Random Dots (1988)
(Added on 2017-12-03 10:33:20)

Random Dots is a small public domain night sky simulation app.  All it does is light up random pixels and color cycling them.  It cannot be used as a screensaver either, that's why I put it under the demoscene.  


Rae (1986)
(Added on 2017-11-28 13:37:51)

Rae animates smiley icons falling down and piling up at the bottom of your screen.  Could be used as a screensaver almost.  Click to exit Rae.  

Random Apple icons

Random Apple icons (2000)
(Added on 2017-08-25 10:18:56)

Random Apple icons is a collection of 71 icons that represent various Apple hardware and software products, such as the Mac OS X logo, QuickTime, the Airport device, or the PowerMac G4 tower, all stuff from around the year 2000. Unfortunately,...

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Azul Extra Light (Mac OS 8)
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